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The Invisible Wall

Updated: Apr 21, 2020

An introductory blog post has been on my list of things to do for quite some time now. With the constant hustle of my life pre-apocalypse, it was hard to set aside time to get it done. I find I can accomplish tasks much more efficiently if I work on whatever is calling me at the moment, instead of trying to force some sort of flow. It just so happens that writing was calling me today, so thanks for joining me!

The Invisible Wall

The Invisible wall


To give a guideline of topics that I may cover in future posts, honestly it may vary greatly with each entry. I will simply write on whatever I feel called to write on at that time, and let it take on a life of its own. Although my business is both massage, and postpartum, and these are areas I am passionate about-we may not touch those topics for a while. Especially considering the current state of our world at the moment. We all have other things on our minds right now.

My goal for this blog, is that I simply want to create an outlet for what I have to say-in hopes that it resonates with you. We will take a look at many different areas within self reflection and improvement, health and well-being, parenting, fitness, nutrition, and maybe someday when I’m brave enough I will delve into some other real-world topics. I am in no way an expert in these areas, and I will forever consider myself a student of life. There is always more to learn. This is simply one person’s outlook, and inquiry infused with ramblings from her own life, mashed together into the human experience. So take what you need, and leave the rest.

I hope that here, I am able to convey my message in a way that resonates with you. I hope from this you can find the strength, and perseverance within you to keep going in these most uncertain times. I hope that my words motivate you to keep uncovering, and doing the work to become the best version of yourself. Who are we without our moments of darkness and pain? We wouldn’t fully be able to appreciate happiness, if we didn’t know what it was like to struggle.

Here is our struggle.

Collectively, we have been calling for a shift like this for so long. Although we may not have envisioned it this way, the universe always has a plan to give us what we need. We have wished for a pause button, or a way to slow life down. Now that we are being forced to do so, we don’t know what to do with ourselves. We deep clean the house, tackle those home improvement tasks, or “honey do” lists that have been pushed to the side because there was “no time”. We purge items that are no longer needed. What happens when we run out of “things to do?”.

Many of us have been too busy to sit with ourselves. We are always reaching for the next distraction to allow us to climb out of the discomfort of just being. It’s a stress response, a trauma response even-maybe? We’ve been so consumed with tasks, and deadlines, and schedules until now. We’ve come to the point in our lives, where its time to sit with ourselves. It’s time to take a look inward. It’s time to dig deep into our subconscious and shine some light on what exists inside of us. What a great time for self reflection, uncovering patterns, past traumas, and sitting with our feelings. Feeling our feelings. What are we like as a person, as a parent, friend, and partner? What are we really good at within these relationships? What can we work to improve? How do we play a part in the conflict within our own lives?

Now is the time to re-evaluate the path in which your life has been going. Are you on track? Do you need to make a few tweaks to be able to reach your goals? With our newly paused world, are these goals still a source of truth, and progression for you?

It can be incredibly challenging to look at these things right now, especially with the uncertainty of everything around us. Focus. Drag yourself out of your fear for a moment. The world may seem to be a scary place right now. We are scared of something that is literally invisible to the naked eye. What could be more scary? The media, everywhere we turn is feeding our fears with the very idea that we should be terrified. There is no empowerment in this. The world is chaotic, and full of fear right now. It’s also time to ask yourself where that is getting us. What’s the bigger picture here? Is your fear helping to propel you forward? Or is it paralyzing you, and keeping you stuck? What can we do to pull ourselves out of this incredibly consuming fear mentality when everyone else around us seems to be feeling the same way? Looking to the future can also give us a sense of hope. Daydream, envision what you want your future to look like and take whatever steps you can to gain some momentum. If this is too much right now, then take it week by week-day by day.

Its ok to not know how to handle this. We haven’t been here before. This is new and uncharted territory for us. Ask yourself the tough questions. What are you to gain from sitting in fear? More importantly, what are you to gain from choosing hope, faith, and love? Everyone on earth is in the same metaphorical boat. We are all affected.

Find your moments of peace. In a book, in music, in moving your body, in your daughters smile, in moments of connection amongst all of the disconnection. Look at what this has taught us. In a world where we have been “so connected”, how to find beauty in time, and new connections forming within the community. Before all of this, how connected were we really? What this can show us is the true importance of human connection. How will we work to re-frame, and deepen the connections within our lives after the smoke clears? A quick chat on the sidewalk with a stranger, or friend. A phone call. A play date. A birthday party, or work gathering. A hug, a handshake and a smile.

Maybe this can help our culture to re-frame a bit, and break down what no longer serves us. Once we are able to get back to reality, we can really implement new ways-old ways even, of truly connecting with those around us. Maybe it will help us to not be so consumed with our own lives, that we are too busy to make time for others. Maybe we will start meeting our neighbors, and knitting our way back into the fabric of our communities. From this, maybe we can learn to be a bit more accepting of others. To embrace each others company, and our right as humans to be here. To expect, and embrace the imperfections in all of us-in lieu of seeking the unattainable guise of perfection.

After all of this, do we really have space for all of the BS that existed before to drive a wedge between us? Our entire world is shut down right now. Lets learn to let go of outdated belief systems, and cultural beliefs that no longer fit. When our world is done loading and comes back online, where will these issues sit? Discrimination? Hostility towards different genders? Disempowering women in their birth? So many things. Will it finally be time to dismantle these systems that keep us small, divided from ourselves, and each other? It’s time to dismantle our limiting belief systems. Its time to rebuild our way of thinking, doing, and behaving. These are all Human. Rights. Issues. This is our reset button. How will we choose to re-frame our lives, and in turn the generations to come, and the world they will live in? It all starts within each of us.

Take care of yourselves, and each other.

Kelsey Randall

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23. Apr. 2020

Excited for more :)

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