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A journey into the whole-body system

Updated: Mar 5, 2022

In mid February 2022, I had attended my CranioSacral level 1 training in Calgary. Prior to enrolling in this course, I had no previous experience with this type of therapy. Only a brief description, followed by many impactful stories of healing to go along with it. The thing that drew me to it initially was simply my intuition, which thankfully created some momentum in just the right direction of interest for me. This therapy will introduce me into another realm of the body, and how it functions as a whole. I keep coming back to the idea of a whole-body focus, and really implementing that more within my practice. This will continue to develop as I work to expand my knowledge base and acquire more tools in which to support the people within my practice.

We often compartmentalize certain aspects of our health in order to hone in our focus-or area of concern, which undoubtedly serves a purpose. I also see the value in viewing our systems in their entirety. Mental, physical, emotional etc.

As massage therapists, we often see a muscle not functioning at its optimal level, which triggers a chain reaction of other muscles then over-working in order to maintain some semblance of balance, and function within the body. If we enlarge that view and see it through the lens of our whole-body system, we can clearly see how everything is very closely tied. We have all at one time or another, experienced how our emotions, and stress levels can impact our sleep, our mental space, and our physical bodies. If we can somehow give our bodies the tools that they need, in order to heal-self healing will take place.

The goal I have within my practice is to soak in all that I can in certain areas of interest, so I am continually better equipped to treat my clients. I would like to branch out to learning more about functional movement patterning within the body, but that will be down the road a bit. In the meantime, my focus will be venturing more into learning about the brain (concussion therapies, emotional connections to tissue within our bodies), fascia (which runs through the entirety of our systems, connecting muscles & organs etc.), visceral (organ) massage (releasing restrictions from trauma, surgeries etc, and creating balance and flow within our organ systems).

Upon completion of the CS1 course, I am now considered an apprentice in this field. I have been given the base knowledge to pull on, and put into practice until I am able to attend my level 2 training this October. From there I will be taking SomatoEmotional release, and complete the examination process-therein obtaining my Certification as a CranioSacral Therapist. It will be a bit of a process for me to get there with both time, and effort. Although I am willing to put in the work, as this seems like the right direction for enriching my practice.

I will still be offering therapeutic massage, and prenatal treatments, as before. The only difference now is that I will also be offering CranioSacral as a treatment option. I cannot call myself a certified therapist in CS until I complete the examination process. Until then, I will be practicing in a sense, and fine tuning my skills.

Since my experience in utilizing this therapy within my practice is very new, I will be approaching it with a clean slate of no expectations, and an open mind. I feel as though this is a beneficial headspace for both client and therapist, when entering into a therapy that is new to them. If this type of treatment is something you would be interested in, I will have it added to my booking system shortly.

I would really appreciate any sort of feedback you might have for me following your treatments with CS. I am fully open to constructive criticisms, and would love to hear anything that shifts, or comes up for you following your treatment.

In the future, I would like to put a call out for people with specific challenges, simply to see what the success rates are around things like migraines, headaches, depression, anxiety, pain, etc. This helps me to learn more about treatment techniques surrounding a specific condition, as well as offers the possibility of helping someone in the process.

The list is almost endless around the types of conditions both mentally, and physically that this therapy is said to help with. If you are curious, there is much to read about it online, and many success stories for most conditions out there. With that being said, I don’t believe that there is a one-size-fits-all approach that works for everyone. We are all very individual, and things may need to be adapted in order to reflect that. We can have an open dialogue about what is working, and what isn’t. That is where having a good team of care providers really helps in our healing journey. We don’t know until we try.

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